Saturday, August 02, 2008

Growing Up!

Yesterday marked my daughter's 8th birthday. We followed our regular routine on birthdays - got up early, went to breakfast for our 3-D event (Daddy Daughter Date), did a little shopping and then home to make the exchange with mom. Only this is where things changed...when my wife took my daughter out, they hit the mall. But not the normal mall outing - this one had a greater significance. My wife took my daughter out for the official coming of age event for little girls - she took her to get her ears pierced. I will say this, she looks beautiful - but somehow she seemed to have grown up a little through the experience. She looks older, acts a bit older...and that is where reality sets in. Here's the thing, one day my little girl will grow up and set out on her own. Some day I will participate in the tradition of "giving her away!" And I have to admit there is a little part of me that wants nothing to do with that. And yet, I will...

Well, here's to my girl (who will always be "Daddy's little girl" - earrings and all)! I love her, am proud of her...and am ready to beat back any little snotty nosed boys that come knocking on my door. So be fore-warned!!!

I thank God for the gift He has entrusted me with in Savannah. What a wonderful blessing she is!

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